7 Ways to cover your Closing Costs
Tamara Celeste: Do you need money for closing costs to buy your first home? Watch this video to find out seven simple ways to find money to purchase that home. Tamara Celeste: (music) Tamara Celeste: For the best home buying tips and advice, please subscribe to my...

5 Ways to Earn More Money to Pay off Debt and Save for a Down Payment
5 Ways to Earn More Money to Pay off Debt and Save for a Down Payment Saving for a down payment can be difficult. Most people have competing obligations and every month it seems that their money just isn’t enough to cover just the basic expenses, let alone save for a...

5 Tips That May Help Raise Your Credit Score
Unless you have been living under a rock for the past several years, you know that your credit score is used for practically everything. If you want to rent a home, buy a home, buy a car, get insurance, open a credit card or obtain employment your credit will be...

Why You Should Hire A Realtor
1001 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Realtor Ok, maybe not 1001 reasons, but this is one of my favorite videos that explains why you should hire a Realtor when buying or selling a home. This video was created by the Florida Realtors Association, but it is relevant for...